Eggplant Leaf Disease Detection Dataset
Published: 11 November 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/d3ypkphghb.1
, , Mayen Uddin MojumdarDescription
#Curated Dataset: Collection of 4,089 high-quality eggplant leaf images on a uniform white background. #Six Disease Classes: Healthy Leaf: 1,451 images Insect Pest Disease: 546 images Leaf Spot Disease: 602 images Mosaic Virus Disease: 1,362 images White Mold Disease: 63 images Wilt Disease: 65 images #Purpose: 1.Supports machine learning and computer vision applications for agricultural disease detection. 2.Facilitates early identification and classification of eggplant diseases. 3.Helps in developing tools to aid farmers in monitoring crop health, reducing pesticide use, and promoting sustainable farming.
Daffodil International University
Eggplant, Agriculture