supervisees' perceptions of how often and how supervisors address countertansference
Participants were 78 supervisees who reported demographic information about themselves. They also were identified a specific instance that stood out to them (for any reason) in which they had addressed countertransference (CT) in supervision. They then described characteristics of their supervisor and the client. They completed The Supervisory Working Alliance Inventory–Trainee Short Form and a six-item adaptation of the Clinical Outcomes scale of Tsong and Goodyear’s (2014) Supervision Outcome Scale. They also were asked to report (a) how often their supervisors addressed CT, (b) who identified this instance of CT (their supervisor, they the supervisee, or both together), (c) the extent to which the supervisor adopted a therapist role, (d) the extent to which the supervisor was perceived to pathologize them, (e ) the effect of this experience on them, and (f) the extent to which their CT reaction matched 14 types of possible CT reactions