Water sound material questionnaire and HRV data: Evaluating the potential of music soundscape therapy in psychological stress management of college students

Published: 30 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/d54b4fk6pp.1
Weijia Yang


This study aims to explore the potential effect of music soundscape therapy in psychological stress management of college students, especially the role of water sound materials and their vibration effects in relieving stress. The study recruited 34 college students as the final research subjects, including 13 males and 21 females, aged between 18 and 25 years old, with an average age of 21 years old. In the experiment, three types of water sound interventions were uniformly carried out on the college students: ocean wave sound, stream sound, and drizzle sound. At the same time, the body information values of different stages of courage were captured by using Apple Watch with HRV monitoring function, so as to quantitatively evaluate the psychological stress level as a whole. After the overall intervention, participants were required to fill in the quantitative questionnaire of the Psychoacoustic Perception Scale (PPS) to evaluate the perception of the sound materials. After the test was completed, the comprehensive questionnaire and HRV data results were archived. This study analyzed and statistically analyzed the experimental results using SPSS, and the archived contents are as follows: 1. PPS Data, 2. HRV Data, 3. Three types of water sound materials. This study follows the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and has been approved by the Ethics Committee of Taiwan, China (IRB Certificate No. 2018-1006-56 Foundation for Medical Research Ethics Consortium, Taiwan). The subjects voluntarily participated in this study and signed the informed consent. This study is an empirical study on the application of music therapy in the field of mental health. It combines the numerical results of questionnaire surveys and HRV sports bracelet feedback to quantitatively evaluate the impact of water sound materials on the psychological stress level of college students. The psychological and physiological mechanisms behind music soundscape therapy can be comprehensively observed through the questionnaire surveys and HRV values of the subjects.



Yonsei University, Kyonggi University - Seoul Campus


Questionnaire, Heart Rate Variability, Music Therapy, Water, College Student, Psychological Stress, Soundscapes


2023 Open and Independent Research Project of the Key Laboratory of Digital Music Intelligent Processing Technology of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (Zhejiang Conservatory of Music)

No. 2023DMKLB001

National Science and Technology Council (Taiwan,c China)

NSTC 113-2410-H-424-001-MY2
