Estimating Public Preferences on Population Health Ethics

Published: 15 October 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/d5c9jstwgr.1
, Matthew Robson


This data accompanies the paper Allanson and Robson (2024), "Estimating Public Preferences on Population Health Ethics". In the paper, we design and run an online experiment, with a sample of the UK adult population, to estimate public preferences on population ethics. Here, we provide data and code. The Policy Evaluation folder contains: 1) an RData file, which includes the estimated preference parameters, and 2) an R script file, which includes a function that allows others to use our estimated preference parameters to evaluate alternative health policies which affect the distribution of health-related quality-of-life and population size. Further data and code will be uploaded on publication of our paper. Please contact us if you have any questions.



Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Erasmus School of Economics


Health Inequality, Health Economics, Welfare Economics, Population, Experiment in Economics


Wellcome Trust


Erasmus Initiative Smarter Choices for Better Health
