
Published: 20 August 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/d5dtz46xcz.1
Selva Balaji


Here's a concise description for your dataset that fits within the 3000-character limit: --- The dataset comprises 250,000 records and includes information on various health-related factors and conditions, designed to facilitate diabetes prediction and analysis. The dataset includes the following features: 1. Diabetes_012: A categorical variable indicating the presence of diabetes, with possible values of 0 (no diabetes), 1 (pre-diabetes), or 2 (diabetes). 2. HighBP: A binary indicator of whether the individual has high blood pressure. 3. HighChol: A binary indicator of whether the individual has high cholesterol. 4. CholCheck: A binary variable denoting whether the individual has had a cholesterol check in the past year. 5. BMI: The body mass index of the individual, a continuous variable used to categorize weight status. 6. Smoker: A binary indicator showing if the individual is a smoker. 7. Stroke:A binary variable indicating whether the individual has experienced a stroke. 8. HeartDiseaseorAttack: A binary indicator for the presence of heart disease or a heart attack. 9. PhysActivity:A binary variable showing whether the individual engages in physical activity. 10. HvyAlcoholConsump:A binary indicator of heavy alcohol consumption. 11. AnyHealthcare: A binary variable indicating whether the individual has access to any form of healthcare. 12. NoDocbcCost: A binary indicator of whether the individual did not visit a doctor due to cost concerns. 13. GenHlth: A categorical variable representing the individual's general health status, ranging from excellent to poor. 14. MentHlth: A continuous variable indicating the number of days in the past month the individual experienced poor mental health. 15. Sex: The gender of the individual. 16. Age: The age of the individual. 17. Income:The individual's income level, categorized into brackets. 18. Diabetes_binary:A binary outcome variable indicating the presence or absence of diabetes (1 for diabetes, 0 for no diabetes). This dataset is intended for research and analysis in the field of health and diabetes prediction. It provides a comprehensive view of various health indicators and conditions, making it suitable for developing predictive models and understanding the relationship between diabetes and other health factors.



Diabetes, Health Care
