Avocado tree point clouds before and after pruning
LiDAR scans of 10 avocado trees, captured by LiDAR scan before and after two stages of pruning (selective limb removal and mechanical hedging). The different stages are stored in separate folders: * "1-uncut": before any pruning took place * "2-limb": after limb removal, before hedging * "3-hedge": after limb removal and hedging Each point cloud is stored as a binary file with the following format (d = 8-byte double): 3d,d Each line in the file has the fields: x,y,z,height XYZ is in North-East-Down orientation. The data was created in, and is easy to view using, ACFR comma/snark open-source tools (https://github.com/acfr/comma/wiki)
Steps to reproduce
The trees were all manually scanned using a handheld GEOSLAM ZEB-1 LiDAR, with a trajectory involving two circuits of the tree (one far away, one close). The output point clouds were then manually geolocated by alignment to previous scans taken using a mobile LiDAR platform with high-accuracy GPS. Each point cloud was cropped to include only the three central trees and groud in the scan, to discard the less-scanned surrounding trees, and a height value was calculated by automatically extracting the ground and computing the distance from each point to the nearest ground point. Finally, the three sets of point cloud for each set of trees underwent further manual alignment to ensure trees fully overlap.