Hematological profile data of individuals exposed to mercury in the interior of the Amazon

Published: 28 July 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/d6m9c2s4yt.1


Human contamination of Hg occurs through the consumption of fish contaminated with MeHg, an organic form and the most toxic of the metal, due to its ability to bioaccumulate and biomagnify in the trophic chain. Considering that studies carried out in riverside communities in the Amazon have already revealed high levels of Hg in fish from this region and high levels of total Hg and MeHg in these populations, configuring a chronic exposure in these communities, the data presented refer to the hematological profile of individuals from different locations. from the municipality of Santarém, Pará (urban area, plateau and floodplain). These data are linked to the Research Protocol approved by the CEP of the State University of Pará-UEPA, under the opinion of 1,127,108. To obtain the data, a semi-structured questionnaire was applied and blood was collected. After answering the questionnaire and signing the informed consent, 10 mL of sample was collected by venipuncture from each volunteer. This amount was divided into two 5 mL tubes with an EDTA additive. One tube was intended for carrying out the blood count and the other was intended for the measurement of Hg. The tube for performing the blood count was kept at room temperature until the time of execution, and the period between collection and analysis did not exceed 24 hours. The tube intended for the measurement of Hg was frozen. And Hg dosages were performed within a period of up to 15 days after collection. The Hg was measured in the laboratory of Bioprospection and Molecular Biology at Ufopa. The equipment used was the DMA-80 Direct Mercury Analyzer (Milestone), which expresses the Hg values through the atomic absorption spectrophotometry technique. All samples were performed in duplicates to increase the reliability of the expressed value. The reference value used for Hg was established by the WHO (1990), with a value of up to 10 μg/L being considered acceptable. For the exposure classification, all individuals who presented values above 10 μg/L were considered exposed. The blood count was performed on the MINDRAY BC 5380 equipment, fully automated and interfaced. The procedure was divided into two parts: automated reading and microscopic analysis. For microscopic analysis, a blood smear was made and subjected to rapid panopticon staining. Then the slides were analyzed microscopically to describe the cell morphology and to verify if the microscopic part was consistent with the automation. A double-blind control was performed for each batch of ten slides by two pharmaceutical microscopists specialized in clinical analysis. These data arouse the interest of better understanding the clinic of individuals environmentally exposed to Hg in the interior of the Amazon, since the signs and symptoms of exposure are very unspecific, and can, therefore, be confused with the signs and symptoms of diseases with the diagnostic plan. already defined.



Universidade Federal do Oeste do Para


Hematology, Human Environmental Health Exposure, Intoxication, Food Contamination
