Data for: Petrophysical and Geochemical Evaluation of Shales Using Magnetic Resonance T1-T2* Relaxation Correlation
Description of this data ******************* Please view the README.txt file for detailed documentation of data. ******************** Date of Release: 2020/12/1 Identifier: doi: 10.17632/d6pp2vrrf5.1 Permalink: Associated publication: Zamiri MS, MacMillan B, Marica F, Guo J, Romero-Zerón L, Balcom BJ. Petrophysical and Geochemical Evaluation of Shales Using Magnetic Resonance T1-T2* Relaxation Correlation. Fuel 2020. Link to publication: .... Suggested citation: Please reference the associated publication above when using any datasets or materials described in the README file. Contact information: Bruce J. Balcom, UNB MRI Research Centre, Physics Department, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3, Canada, Mohammad Sadegh Zamiri, UNB MRI Research Centre, Physics Department, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3, Canada, This directory contains the following datasets: E1_as_received: T1-T2 and T1-T2star measurement data of as-received shale sample E1. EG4_as_received: T1-T2 and T1-T2star measurement data of as-received shale sample EG4. EG4_crushed_native T1-T2 and T1-T2star measurement data of crushed EG4 shale sample with native fluid content. EG4_crushed_desorption T1-T2 and T1-T2star measurement data of crushed EG4 shale sample after water desorption. EG4_crushed_adsorption T1-T2 and T1-T2star measurement data of crushed EG4 shale sample after water adsorption. EG4_crushed_Evaporation_Day0 T1-T2star measurement data of crushed EG4 shale sample with native fluid content used in evaporation experiment. EG4_crushed_Evaporation_Day1 T1-T2star measurement data of crushed EG4 shale sample after placing in the oven at 60C for 1 day. EG4_crushed_Evaporation_Day5 T1-T2star measurement data of crushed EG4 shale sample after placing in the oven at 60C for 5 day. EG4_crushed_Evaporation_Day11 T1-T2star measurement data of crushed EG4 shale sample after placing in the oven at 60C for 11 day. FID_EG4 FID measurement of as-received shale sample EG4. FID_EG4_processed.tif FID plot of as-received shale sample EG4. File formats are in *.mat files. Matlab (MathWorks) can be used to read the data. Licence: CC BY 4.0