Hybrid Input-Output tables for India at year 2012

Published: 21 December 2018| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/d7ffryvtjk.2
DIPTI GUPTA, Frédéric Ghersi, Amit Garg


The IOT_IndiaVal file gives the input-output table in lakh rupees for 22 sectors The IOT_IndiaQtities gives the input-output table in quantities for 22 sectors. The energy sectors are in ktoe and the others in "pseudo-quantities". The IOT_IndiaPrices gives the unitary prices that are consistent with IOT in volume and value for intermediate consumption, final consumption, production and imports.


Steps to reproduce

The data hybridization process outlined below is the first step towards building an original Energy-Environment-Economy (EEE) modelling capacity for determining Indian mitigation pathways. The goal is to reconcile the energy balance and national accounting statistics to produce a dual accounting of energy flows, in volume and money metrics, using agent specific pricing of homogeneous energy goods. This is one of the salient improvements over standard computable general equilibrium techniques where all agents are assumed to buy homogenous energy goods at same net-of-tax price. The process is based on two guiding principles for maintaining consistency of data. First, both physical and money values should follow the conservation principle that is resources and uses must be balanced. Second, the physical and money flows are linked by a unique system of prices implying that the money values can be obtained by multiplying the volumes by the corresponding price. Further, there are two rules guiding the methodology: one, the economic size is always preserved while correcting the statistical gaps; second, the purchasing price heterogeneities faced by different sectors and households is taken into account. The methodology followed to create the hybrid table has been documented in Combet et al., 2014. It unfolds in three main steps: (1) Reorganizing the original energy balance data (in kilo tons of oil equivalent, Ktoe) and energy prices (in Lakh rupees/ktoe) into the sectoral distribution matching the input-output table (IOT) from national accounting. This not only involves reallocation of physical energy flows of energy balance to production sectors and households, but also entails re-interpretation of the flows in national accounting terms. In other words, it involves sorting out the flows that indeed correspond to economic transaction between national accounting agents. For instance, attributing the autoproduction of electricity to the accounting sectors; considering only the commercial flows especially in case of energy industry own use in energy balance; adjusting the data on international bunkers since energy balance reports data based on geography while IOT reports data based on national accounting rules. (2) Multiplying the volumes with corresponding prices to obtain energy expenses at the same level of disaggregation as IOT. (3) Plugging of the matrix of energy expenditures into original IOT and adjusting the other values of the table such that accounting approach is not disturbed and the total value added of domestic production remains same. This is done by: first, adjusting difference in uses and corresponding resources for energy sectors to the non-energy expenses on pro rata basis; second, by adjusting the difference in original and recomputed expenditures for the non-energy sectors to the most aggregated non-energy good which is ‘other services’ mostly.


Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad


Computable General Equilibrium Model, Energy Modelling
