Published: 27 November 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/d7vn7tp3wr.1
Md Siddique Hossain Md Siddique Hossain


Abastract: Naeem Mohaiemen, a Bangladeshi filmmaker and installation artist, was nominated for the Turner Prize in 2018 and exhibited at the Tate Britain gallery in London. He presented three works, including a feature film about a stranded traveler in Athens, a documentary about the Non-Aligned Movement during the 1970s, and a concertina book called "Volume Eleven (Flaw in the Algorithm of Cosmopolitanism). Mohaiemen referenced three essays written by Syed Mujtaba Ali, discussing Hitler and Germany. Ali's works and travels provide valuable insights into literary cosmopolitanisms and transnational alliances, particularly in the context of fascism and Cold War dynamics. His extensive collection of literary works showcases his remarkable productivity and high regard. Deshe Bideshe, published in 1949, is a Bengali travelogue that chronicles Mujtaba Ali's journey to Afghanistan from 1927 to 1929. The narrative explores the cultural and political history of Afghanistan and its connection to the Indian subcontinent, focusing on the three Anglo-Afghan wars fought by Britain. Ali's international perspective is closely connected to historical events, political dynamics, and the concept of nationhood. Mujtaba Ali's writings and reminiscences served as valuable resources for Bengali readers throughout the 1950s and beyond, expressing interwar cosmopolitanism and serving as platforms for political commentary and social critique. His writings present a distinct perspective on the world and India's position within it, highlighting the concept of 'Greater India' that captivated Orientalists. Mujtaba Ali critiques 'Greater India' intellectuals, highlighting the historical, political, and economic foundations of India's regional identity. His expertise in philology and literature made him well-suited to assume the role of a cultural envoy on behalf of a recently emancipated secular state, highlighting the need for fostering Asian and African solidarities as a means of countering both Eastern and Western power blocs.


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Conclusion: In conclusion, Syed Mujtaba Ali's extensive body of work, including Deshe Bideshe, Chāchā Kāhinī, Panchatantra, Jale-Dāngāy, Bhabaghure o anyānya, Panchatantra Part II, Musāfir, and more, serves as a rich tapestry of interwar cosmopolitanism, political commentary, and social critique. His narratives explore diverse geographies, from Berlin and Paris to Suez, Jerusalem, and Kabul, shedding light on historical events, social issues, and the impact of colonialism. Mujtaba Ali's writings not only provide a vivid firsthand account of the cultural nuances in various societies but also offer a unique perspective on India's position in the world during the process of decolonization. His work stands as a testament to the importance of understanding and appreciating the unique characteristics


Literature, Literature Review, Bengali Language, Research Article, Indian Literature
