Academic performance in Mathematics depending on classroom location

Published: 30 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/d8mrw364bj.1
, Ana López-Cheda


This dataset includes information related to the grades in two sections (the control section, CS; and the treatment section, TS) of the course Mathematics 2 from the second quadrimester (Q2) of 2024 of the first year of the degree in Economics at the University of A Coruña (UDC). Students in CS chose their seats freely, while in the TS, students were subsequently assigned to those seats closest to the instructor. The distances from each student to the professor are also included. Besides, this dataset contains the grades of both the CS and TS in the courses: Mathematics 1 (Q1), Economic History (Q1), Statistics 1 (Q2), Principles of Macroeconomics (Q2), Business Economics (Q2), all of them from the first year of the degree in Economics at UDC.


Steps to reproduce

Load the dataset in R Data format and run the script "ANCOVA_academic_performance.R"


Universidade da Coruna


Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Education
