TPACK survey instrument-component technology
The uploaded file contains survey data using the TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) instrument to assess teachers' knowledge in the areas of technology, pedagogy, and content. The data includes demographic information about the respondents, primarily teachers, such as gender, age range, teaching experience, and highest education level. The survey is organized into several sections, each measuring different dimensions of teachers' knowledge related to TPACK. These dimensions include technological knowledge (TK), pedagogical knowledge (PTK), and content knowledge (CTK). Respondents were asked to rate a series of items reflecting these aspects, likely using a scale from 1 to 5. For instance, the dataset contains columns identifying each teacher as "T1," "T2," and so on. Each teacher responded to survey items such as S15, S16, up to S54. The values given by the teachers represent their level of knowledge in terms of technology, pedagogy, and content, which are the key components measured in the TPACK instrument. Overall, this data provides insight into how teachers perceive and apply their technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge in the teaching process. It could also be used to analyze the relationships between teaching experience, age, education level, and the knowledge teachers possess in these areas of TPACK.