Experimental data set for Effect of Variable Amplitude Block Loading on Intralaminar Crack Initiation and Propagation in Multidirectional GFRP Laminate

Published: 12 March 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/d9p5gjdmsn.2
Jens J. Bender, Brian L. V. Bak,


This data repository includes the necessary data to reproduce the results presented in the paper: "Effect of Variable Amplitude Block Loading on Intralaminar Crack Initiation and Propagation in Multidirectional GFRP Laminate" by the same authors. In this work, the initiation and propagation of intralaminar matrix cracks is investigated under Variabel Ampltide fatigue loading. The data acquisition is performed through a white light camera. For further details on the methodology the reader is refered to the paper. The data in this repository is not the raw image files due to size limitations. Instead, the presented data is the coordinates of the crack endpoints for every crack in each frame. With this data the reader can post-process the data in any way they see fit, and reproduce the results from the paper. The data set consists of data for 3 Constant Amplitude low load cases, 3 Constant Amplitude hig load cases, and 5 Variable Amplitude load cases. The data is stored in MATLAB .MAT files. However, the data can easily be imported into python using the "loadmat" function from scipy.io.



Aalborg Universitet


Mechanical Engineering, Glass Fiber, Polymer Matrix Composites, Cracking
