Database: The worldwide expansion of CLIL in school settings

Published: 13 September 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/db8xc2gd6y.1


This is the final database for the systematic review analysis of the publications on CLIL in school settings in the time interval of 2018-2022. Number of publications 142. The database contains article code, authors, year of publication, article title, journal title, area of research (Coye et al., 2010), country, educational stage, research type, data collection tool, population group.


Steps to reproduce

This research followed PRISMA guidelines for systematic review. The search database: WoS and Scopus. ERIC indicators: TI=(CLIL AND/OR Content Language Integrated Learning).


Universidad Complutense de Madrid Centro Universitario Villanueva


School, Education, English as a Second Language, Second Language Acquisition
