Data for: Interprofessional Simulation for Nursing and Divinity Students: Learning Beyond Checklists
Published: 24 July 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/dc7mvy7y4v.1
Lucinda Stewart, Jessica VanRegenmorter, Julia Phillippi, Sally Miller, Trudy Hawkins Stringer, Elizabeth AlexanderDescription
Appendices: Appendix A Description of simulation scenario including patient background and show each segment unfolds. Appendix B Outlines the event flow of the simulation with approximate time for each scenario segment and debrief. Appendix C Outline of qualitative analysis themes, codes and subcodes. Codebook: Table of codebook developed during qualitative analysis of student responses to the interprofessional simulation experience. Includes themes, codes, and subcodes with definitions of each. Also denotes themes and codes not covered in this manuscript.
Nursing, Pastoral Support