Calcium imaging of light responses in the neonatal retina

Published: 21 June 2019| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/ddsj9pjhf6.2
Franklin Caval-Holme,


This dataset is from a study conducted in newborn mice in which two photon calcium imaging was used to measure the fluorescence responses of individual neurons during the presentation of a series of light stimuli at different intensities. This dataset is associated with a manuscript titled 'Gap Junctions shape the encoding of light in the developing retina' which provides a detailed context for and analysis of the dataset. Note that, as of this version of the dataset, the manuscript is not yet published; this version of the dataset is therefore intended to assist journal editors and reviewers in their evaluation of the manuscript. The dataset (calcium_imaging_of_neonatal_retina - V2.mat) is a file in the data container format used by the MATLAB programming language. Loading this file into the MATLAB workspace will produce a table called 'neurons'. Each row of this table represents a single neuron, while columns contain different types of data associated with the neurons. 'Guide to the dataset (Version 2).pdf' provides more details about the organization of the table and the types of data found in the columns. The MATLAB script 'explore_dataset.m' introduces some simple ways to manipulate and visualize the dataset. Code used in the study to produce and analyze this dataset is available at:



University of California Berkeley


