Processing and non-processing domain activities and their relationship with brand experience and satisfaction at airports
This data describes the perceptions of airport users as they interacted with mandatory and optional activities. These perceptions were compared to the outcome of customer satisfaction and the mediator of airport brand experience. The research hypotheses are that there are signifiant influences between the activities at airports and the outcomes of brand experience and satisfaction. The data shows that mandatory activities namely vehicle security screening, check in, immigration clearance and the aircraft boarding process have a significant influence satisfaction. On the other hand optional activities namely duty free shopping, food and beverage offerings, airport access and the quality of the airport facilities have a less significant influence on satisfaction with the airport services. The study hypothesised that brand experience of the airport was a significant mediator in the relationship between the two categories of airport activities. This relationship was found to be statistically significant. Indicating that brand experience when combined with processing and non-processing activities influences satisfaction. The data was collected using paper based semi-structured questionnaires completed by randomly selected respondents located at two international airports in Kenya. Fieldwork was conducted over a period of approximately five months. Data was cleaned to remove incomplete and inconsistent responses. A total of 700 respondents were approached, with 652 accepting to participate in the survey. A total of 83 scripts were incomplete and 569 fully completed scripts remained for analysis. SPSS version 28 was used for data analysis.
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The study was accepted by the University of Nairobi and subsequent approval to collect the data at the airport was approved by the Kenya Airports Authority. The initial survey consisted of 70 items which were derived from literature. The instrument was assessed for clarity by university professors and airport marketing managers and 13 items removed to eliminate redundancy. A pretest of the questionnaire was conducted before the actual survey to allow a refinement of the measurement scales while checking for ambiguity. A convenience sample of 39 frequent fliers located in the airport premium lounge and who were not part of the sample was used for this initial stage of instrument refinement. All questionnaires were completed fully and the responses indicated that the survey was well understood. The researcher adopted the instrument with no further adjustment as it was deemed as having satisfactory wording and clarity. The instrument comprised of four sections. Section A obtained data regarding reason for travel, gender, marital status, number of flights taken over the last one year, educational level, age and employment status. It also included nationality and destination of travel. Section B obtained information on two components of airport activities. The first section included mandatory or optional activities namely; primary vehicle security screening, airline check-in, immigration clearance, customs and border control, terminal security screening, and aircraft boarding. The second section was made up of responses to airport access, terminal facilities and airport retail and concessions. Section C examined brand experience perceptions including sensory, affective, behavioural and intellectual dimensions. Section D obtained data on satisfaction and intention to recommend. This section comprised a total of 48 questions and responses were rated on a Likert-type scale of 1 = not at all to 5 = to a very large extent. Data was collected by trained assistants. Respondents were identified using the random number table. Only respondents located in the international departure boarding areas were approached. Before commencing the survey respondents were screened to ensure that they were above the age of 18 years and that they were comfortable in taking the survey in the English language. The study was not incentivised and participation was voluntary. Fieldwork was conducted at two international airports in Kenya (one in the capital city and another in the second largest city). 700 respondents were approached and 652 accepted to participate with 48 rejecting. 83 incomplete responses were removed due to incompleteness and inconsistency. Leaving a total of 569 usable responses for analysis.