Lytro Depth for Standard Plenoptic Cameras - Part 02

Published: 14 March 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/df5yynk7yn.1
Nuno Monteiro,


The data consists of seven datasets acquired under different zoom and focus settings for a 1st generation Lytro camera. The zoom and focus step settings of each dataset were determined by placing a target object at a pre-determined depth of the encasing of the camera and autofocusing on this object. This allows to define a plane in focus by the main lens that is close the target object. Thus, the focus depth is assumed to be the depth of the target object. The Part 02 contains the datasets captured with a focus depth of 1.5 m. These datasets encompass images for calibration and depth range assessment. Each dataset is provided with a set of calibration plenoptic images since the camera parameters are different for each dataset. The calibration images are different from the depth images to ensure the results do not suffer from any type of overfitting effect. The calibration plenoptic images were captured using a 19×19 calibration grid of 3.18 mm cells placed at different poses and at different depths close to the target object depth bearing in mind that a minimum of 10 poses are required. On the other hand, the depth plenoptic images were captured using two different grid sizes: 19 × 19 grid of 470 6.10 × 6.08 mm cells and 5 × 7 grid of 26.50 × 26.38 mm cells. The grids for the depth plenoptic images were placed parallel to the encasing of the camera and at a regular spacing of 0.05 m from the camera for depth values ranging from 0.05 to 2.00 m. The two grid sizes are used for the depth plenoptic images since the depth range evaluated is wide and it is necessary to have a reasonable number of detections to assess the depth accuracy. The smaller grid size was placed up to a maximum depth of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 m according to the focus depth considered 0.05, 0.50 and 1.50 m. The bigger grid size was placed considering all depth range evaluated.



Computer Vision, Reconstruction
