An Assessment of Tropical Cyclones in North American CORDEX WRF Simulations: The Dataset
Published: 3 September 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/dfrmjrvbkn.1
, Description
Derived model data, including tropical cyclone tracks, used to produce figures contained in "An Assessment of Tropical Cyclones in North American CORDEX WRF Simulations" by Rendfrey et al. 2021,, in Weather and Climate Extremes. See README file for dataset specifics, and accompanying paper for methodology and additional details. See Mearns, L.O., et al., 2017: The NA-CORDEX dataset, version 1.0. NCAR Climate Data Gateway, Boulder CO,, for additional information on CORDEX and additional data.
Computational Modeling, Climate Change, Tropical Cyclone