McGinn and Miranda EBSD data for 17NZ41 (untwinned) and 17NZ42 (Dauphine twinned)
Published: 11 October 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/dg7kv5mcv3.1
Elena MirandaDescription
These are EBSD map data files (.cpr, .crc) for the two samples featured in the McGinn and Miranda (submitted to JSG, 2018) manuscript. Subsets of grain populations were saved as project files (.cpr, .crc), and the description of the subset is contained within the file name.
Steps to reproduce
Load these files into the Project Manager software module from Oxford Instruments. Visualize the map data with Tango software module, and visualize pole figure and misorientation data with the Mambo software module.
California State University Northridge
Electron Backscatter Diffraction