Numerical data for the figures of Korenaga & Marchi (2023)
* MOdepth.m0.01.v1.7.a45.dat: the spatial variation of magma ocean depth (Figure 1d). The file format is (longitude, latitude, magma ocean depth in km). * PMZthick.m0.01.v1.7.a45.dat: the spatial variation of partially molten zone thickness (Figure 1e). The file format is (longitude, latitude, thickness in km). * run2.z250.dat: the efficiency of metal percolation (Figure 3), with a 250-km thick partially molten zone. The file format is (log10(grain size (m)), time (hours), log10(metal mass (km)), log10(metal fraction)). * run2.z1000.dat: ditto with a 1000-km thick zone. * csp.ra3e7.h25.a4.61.t5H.init.dat: composition snapshot (Figure 4a). The file format is (x, z, metal fraction, dummy variable). * csp.ra3e7.h25.a4.61.t5H.2.5Ga.dat: ditto (Figure 4c) * ditto (Figure 4e) * csp.ra3e7.h25.a4.61.e15H.init.dat: ditto (Figure 4b) * csp.ra3e7.h25.a4.61.e15H.2.5Ga.dat: ditto (Figure 4d) * ditto (Figure 4f) * temperature snapshot (Figure 4g). The file format is (x, z, T, dT/dt, x-velocity, z-velocity) * ditto (Figure 4h) * case.[1-7].dat: the evolution of average metal fraction in the convecting mantle (Figure 4i). The file format is (time in Gyr, metal fraction).