Published: 17 November 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/dhmc3k4fg4.1
Md Siddique Hossain Md Siddique Hossain


Abastract: The prevalence of orphaned individuals is seeing a steady rise throughout India as a whole, with a specific emphasis on the region of West Bengal. Furthermore, there is a notable proliferation of the practise of institutionalising individuals inside society. This tendency is particularly significant given the existence of well-established conventional procedures for rehabilitation, as well as the provision of care and assistance. This research sought to investigate the effects of institutionalisation on orphaned individuals, with a specific focus on understanding the psychological consequences experienced by this population. The research used a mixed-methods design, including both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative method was utilised to gather pre-existing facts and statistics, while the quantitative technique was employed to generate new data. The data from the respondents was collected using the interview schedule. The research demonstrates that violence has emerged as the primary factor contributing to the escalation in the population of orphaned individuals in the region of West Bengal. Additionally, it is worth noting that a significant majority of orphaned individuals have psychological challenges. Furthermore, almost all participants concurred that their transition into mainstream society would pose considerable difficulties upon their departure from institutional care.


Steps to reproduce

METHODOLOGY: Research Design: The researchers used a quantitative approach to get a comprehensive understanding of the study's aims. The present research used quantitative methodologies via the utilisation of a survey-based approach. The study was conducted using an interview schedule specifically designed for orphan children residing in institutional care. The administration of an interview schedule occurred, during which the respondents were queried with pertinent inquiries. The questions were formulated using language that was both straightforward and accessible, taking into account the young age of the responders. The responses were promptly recorded on the interview agenda. This measure was used to ensure that no relevant information is overlooked. Research Site: The research site is a location where scientific investigations are conducted and data is collected for the purpose of academic study and analysis. Orphanages were visited and data was gathered via the use of an interview schedule. The participants of this study consisted of orphaned individuals, including both male and female children, who resided in several orphanages located in the region of West Bengal. The participants were contacted in several locations, namely Chinnar Orphanage Baghat-I-Barzullah, and West Bengal Yateem Khanah (Chattabal), Gulshan-e-Banaat (Gopalpora), West Bengal Yateem Foundation (Jawahir Nagar), and Gulshan Mahal Hostel Bachi Darwaza Makhdoom Sahib. The orphanages chosen for the purpose of sample collection are those that provide care for around 100 to 350 orphaned individuals inside their facilities. In this research, the gender distribution of the respondents was found to be 60% men and 40% females. A total of 530 interview schedules were gathered from five distinct orphanages in West Bengal. Prior to conducting the frequency test, a normality test was employed to verify that all variables exhibited a normal distribution. As a result, 30 respondents were deemed ineligible due to incomplete responses, leading to the exclusion of their corresponding interview schedules from further analysis. Consequently, only 500 interview schedules remained eligible for subsequent tests. Data analysis Techniques: The interview schedules that were gathered were subjected to a verification process to verify that all replies met the necessary qualifications for inclusion in this study. Any responses that did not meet the qualifications were subsequently excluded. The schedules lacking qualifications mostly consisted of those with several unanswered questions. Data analysis was conducted using version 16.0 of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software programme. Initially, the normality of the data was assessed. The results of the normality test indicated that the data had a normal distribution. Additionally, the demographic information of the eligible participants was analysed using descriptive statistics. ......... contd.


Anxiety Research, Evidence-Based Educational Research, Psychological Analysis (Psychology Research Method)
