Not Fair! Indian children’s meaning-making of climate change during a PBL-Critical Pedagogy based intervention

Published: 4 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/dhmtsnwjgk.1
Aneesa Jamal,


Data relates to a original research project on the shift in 18 Indian middle and high school students' meaning making of climate change during a 6 month long PBL-Critical Pedagogy based intervention. The data includes : 1. Responses to a Pretest-posttest questionnaire on climate change. The questionnaire was administered using pencil-paper at the beginning of the project and after 6 weeks of learning about climate change. The responses were scanned and anonymized. Each participant's responses were consolidated into a single file. 2. Participants journals with containing responses to open ended reflection prompts. Students completed journal entries after each session using pencil-paper. This data was consolidated and scanned for each participant and digitally anonymized. Each participant's responses were consolidated into a single file. 3. Transcripts of audio interviews conducted with each participant via Zoom at the end of the project. The interviews were transcribed using a digital transcription software and corrected for errors. The interviews for each participant were downloaded as individual files and anonymized. Qualitative Experimental Method was used in the research. Template analysis of pretest & posttest questionnaires, reflections, interviews and child-authored storybooks revealed an improvement in climate literacy, a sense of ‘pragmatic hopelessness’, and a profound sense of empathy with the marginalized in their city among the children.


Steps to reproduce

Data was collected before, during and after a climate change education intervention which used PBL & Critical Pedagogy with middle & high school Indian students. Details on data collection and analysis are included in the description above. Reproduction of the same data would have to be done using the same or similar climate change educational interventions which use PBL & Critical Pedagogy.


Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


Education, School-Age Children, Climate Change, Project-Based Learning, Qualitative Method, Indian Subcontinent
