
Published: 1 July 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/dhvyx8pd4f.1


This is a data simulation to calculate the maximum fishing effort, residual fish stocks, cost, revenue, and profit for two group of fishing fleets in fisheries game theory model. The model is applying two type of models namely non-cooperative and cooperative model. The non-cooperative model assumption is there is no agreement between two groups that interact in the fishing expedition. The cooperative model assumption is there is an agreement between two groups in the fishing expedition. This model has several constraints that applied as the rule of the game.


Steps to reproduce

This is the guidance to reproduce the data simulation. 1. Define the bioeconomic model to predict the stock biomass of specific species and then calculate the fishing coefficient of the fishing vessels that exploited fish stocks. 2. Identify the environment carrying capacity (K) and species intrinsic growth coefficient (r) for the species. 3. Calculate fishing cost, constant price to predict the fishing revenue and profit 4. Calculate the biomass equilibrium based on stock level model (here using Gordon Schaefer bionomic model) 5. Build the empirical game theoretical model to make a simulation of both strategic interaction best responses. 6. Calculate the maximum biomass based on game theoretical model and then make a simulation to find the maximum effort, residual stocks biomass, cost, revenue, and profit for the interactions. 7. Calculate the cost, revenues, and profit for each groups to define the best response of both groups in the game theoretical approach modelling


Universitas Diponegoro


Fisheries Policy, Fisheries Economics, Evolutionary Game Theory, Applied Economics


Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan
