Gulf of Corinth_MIS 5_Sediment Data
Published: 7 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/dj9dsm2zpj.1
Spyros Sergiou, Maria Geraga, Sofia Pechlivanidou, Robert Gawthorpe, Ulysses Ninnemann, Anna-Nele Meckler, Sevasti Modestou, Dimitra Angelopoulou, Dimitra Antoniou, Paula Diz, Lisa McNeill, Donna Shillington, George PapatheodorouDescription
Lithological, micropaleontological and isotopic data used in the manuscript: ''Stratigraphic and paleoceanographic alternations within a Mediterranean semi-enclosed, syn-rift basin during Marine Isotope Stage 5: The Gulf of Corinth, Greece'' by Sergiou et al. (submitted in Marine Geology journal).
University of Patras
Sedimentology, Paleoceanography