Velocity and pressure data for swirling flow in a confined sudden expansion with downstream resistance

Published: 4 September 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/dk5zrpmg2z.1
Ijhar Hidayat Rusli, Svetlana Aleksandrova, Humberto Medina, Stephen Benjamin


An investigation into the effects of inlet offset on the flow in a confined sudden expansion with a downstream resistance has been performed. This dataset provides the experimental data obtained in the study. Dimensions of the test section is provided in the dataset. The downstream resistance was an uwashcoated diesel oxidation catalyst monolith substrate with a cell density of 400 cells-per-square-inch. The data consists of: 1. Hot-wire anemometry (HWA) data of the mean and fluctuating velocities at the test section inlet, an annular section with an outer-to-inner diameter ratio of 2.28. 2. Two-dimensional, two-component particle image velocimetry (PIV) data of the ensemble-averaged velocities within the confined sudden expansion. 3. Mean wall pressure data at the wall of the confined sudden expansion. 4. HWA data at the test section outlet, downtream of the resistance, of the mean velocities. Data are presented in MATLAB .mat files. MATLAB .m script files are also provided as a minimal working example to use on the data.



University of Nottingham, Coventry University, University of Leicester


Fluid Dynamics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vehicular Exhaust, Turbulence, Swirling Flow, Hot Film Anemometry, Particle Image Velocimetry
