French population exposure to ED-Plant Protection Products

Published: 20 August 2020| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/dk8gsx2r4j.2
Catherine Bennetau-Pelissero,


The folder includes 4 files that are part of a Data in Brief paper entitled: Potential exposure of the French population to endocrine disruptors plant protection products. Data on fruits and vegetables. (1) French PPP: is an Excel Table numbered 1. It gathers Plant Protection Products (PPP) authorised in France their usage and applications (foodstuffs) as well as their endocrine disrupting effects if any. A tab contains all the references of Endocrine Disruptors (ED) effects. (2) French PPP usage: is an Excel file containing 4 tables gathering the Plant Protection Products (PPP) acting as Endocrine Disruptors (ED) together with the total number of formulas used on 64 selected fruits and vegetables and the total number of formulas used for the same usage and application (foodstuff). The 4 tables are for Insecticides (including acaricides) (Table 2), fungicides (Table 3), herbicides (Table 4) and growth substances (Table 5). (3) Exposure calculation: is an Excel file containing Table 7. It gathers data on the 70 PPP acting as ED, on the 64 fruits and vegetables most eaten in France. The table allows the calculation of daily exposure to each ED-PPP taking into account the annual consumption of each foodstuff, the consumption per capita (French population estimated at 64 million of citizens). The PPP doses are their specific Maximum Residue Limits multiplied by a popularity factor taking into account the number of formulas containing the PPP of use reported to the total number of formulas used for the same application (same usage, same foodstuff) (4) Exposure summary: is an Excel file containing Table 8. This table gathers the calculated exposure to each PPP acting as ED and sorted by their type of effect (estrogen Pro and Anti; Androgen: Pro and Anti; thyroid effect: Pro and Anti and "Others"). The sum for each effect is given.



Bordeaux Sciences Agro, INSERM Delegation Regionale Nouvelle-Aquitaine


Environmental Science, Population Exposure
