French population exposure to Endocrine disruptors in and on plant foodstuffs
The folder "Tables" contains: 7 files to analyze an article sent, to Food Chemistry: Endocrine disruptors on and in fruits and vegetables. Estimation of the potential exposure of the French population (1) French PPP-ED: is an Excel file that gathers, in Table 1, Plant Protection Products (PPP) authorised in France, their usage and applications (foodstuffs), as well as their endocrine disrupting effect if any. A tab contains all the references. (2) French PPP usage-ED: is an Excel file with 4 tables with PPP acting as Endocrine Disruptors (ED). The tables contain the total number of formulas used on 64 fruits and vegetables and the total number of formulas used for the same usage and application. The 4 tables are: Table 2 for Insecticides and acaricides, Table 3: fungicides, Table 4: herbicides, Table 5: growth substances. (3) Exposure calculation-ED: is an Excel file containing Table 7. It gathers data on the 70 PPP acting as ED, on the 64 fruits and vegetables eaten in France. The table calculates daily exposures to ED-PPP from the annual consumption of each foodstuff, the consumption per capita (French population fixed at 64 million citizens). The PPP doses are specific Maximum Residue Limits multiplied by a popularity factor considering the number of formulas that contain the PPP of use, to the total number of formulas used for the same application (same usage, same plant) (4) Exposure summary-ED: is an Excel file containing Table 8. This table gathers the calculated exposure to each PPP-ED, sorted by their type of effect (estrogen Pro and Anti; Androgen: Pro and Anti; thyroid effect: Pro and Anti and "Others"). The sum for each effect is given. (5) Phyto-Product-Enquiry-ED: is an Excel file (Table 6) gathering products recorded in different food categories on French supermarket and websites (March 2020). For all products are site of purchase, URL in March 2020, trademarks, French names, and ingredients. The last tab gives a summary of data with a graphic representation. (6) Genistein + Daidzein values-ED: is an excel file (Table 9) gathering measurements of genistein + daidzein in 140 soy-based foodstuffs and the mean of measurements for several food categories for exposure calculations. (7) Table for comparisons: is an excel file (Table 10) gathering in vitro + in vivo data on hormones, natural and anthropogenic EDs. NOAEL + LOAEL usually obtained in rat, are given next to the putative exposure. References are in next tab. The folder "Figures" contains: Figure 1: Representation of the data sorting procedure for PPP analysis. Data are from the European Union pesticide database. ( accessed in March 2020) Figure 2: Mean isoflavones content (genistein + daidzein) in different food categories found in French supermarket Figure 3: Exposure data obtained previously via an inquiry on French premenopausal women (Lee et al., 2019)