Numerical data for "Resolved CFD-DEM simulations of the hydraulic conveying of coarse grains through a very-narrow elbow"
This dataset contains details of the resolved numerical simulation of a hydraulic conveying of coarse grains through a very-narrow elbow with horizontal and vertical sections. The simulations were carried out using the open-source CFDEM code. An example case with a particle-rate of 50 particles/s and a fluid velocity of 0.06 m/s is provided, as well as its results for a 10 s simulation and the Octave code that post-process the main informations of the particles.
Steps to reproduce
1) The example case can be simulated by executing the “allrun” file inside it. The steps to run the simulation are described and ordered inside each executable file. 2) The case already contains instructions in the LIGGGHTS input files, for dumping the .vtk results of the force chains that can be later visualized in paraview. Besides, the output data from LIGGGHTS, printed in the “post” folder, will also give information about the particles velocity, position and force for future analysis. 3) The Octave code should be executed in the same folder where the “DEM” folder is located. The code will loop over the output files extracting the details of each particle and saving them on a final matrix. The code will also print in the command-line the maximum particle rate reached by the simulation and the average particle velocity on two different sections of the tube. Besides, it will automatically save the plot of the initial and final positions of the particles that entered the domain before 5 s of simulation. The code is fully commented for easy interpretation.