Ethics in Archaeology Teaching Study: Survey of 2023 Anthropology Program Requirements

Published: 19 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/dkpnsv4g5m.1


This is a a de-identified, sanitized copy of survey data from our Ethics in Archaeology Teaching Study that looked at United States Anthropology Programs with majors or minors in 2023. Data collection for this study was overseen by Carleton College’s Institutional Review Board (IRB 2021-22 1368 SKENNEDY2). Funding was made possible through Carleton College’s Student Research Assistantship program. This survey data was collected by Ezra Kucur in 2023, and updated throughout 2023-2024. Our sample was derived from a list of 827 U.S. colleges and universities with undergraduate anthropology programs from the American Anthropological Association’s AnthroGuide, as observed in 2023 when we created the initial sample group ( The AnthroGuide lists 827 total programs offering anthropology across both undergraduate and graduate programs in the United States and Canada. From the list of 827, we extracted the 637 institutions that were based in the U.S. that included undergraduate programs (major and/or minor) including associates/2-year degrees and combined graduate-undergraduate institutions. From there, we classified the 637 institutions according to their status as Predominantly/Historically White Institutions (PWIs) and Minority Serving Institutions (MSI), based on the categories curated by the MSI Data Project, a publicly accessible digital research initiative that aims to further advance minority-serving institutions and their unique contributions to higher education ( We have redacted the name of each institution, as well as publicly visible course numbers, course descriptions, and our notes. The institutions are now named randomly with consecutive numbers from 1-222. This dataset includes the following information for each of the 222 institutions: Carnegie Institution Type, General Institution Type, MSI designation, and presence or absence of anthropology major, anthropology minor, requirements or learning objectives, ethics requirements, ethics electives, anthropology ethics electives, and courses listed.


Steps to reproduce

1). We downloaded the AnthroGuide list of 636 institutions from the U.S. that offered anthropology across undergraduate and graduate programs. List found at: 2). We classified the 637 institutions according to their status as Predominantly/Historically White Institutions (PWIs) and Minority Serving Institutions (MSI), based on the categories curated by the MSI Data Project. Categories found here: 3). We randomized the order of the 637 institutions within the six MSI categories and selected every 10th institution from the list of MSIs. 4). This resulted in an initial sample which skewed toward PWIs. Faced with sampling perhaps zero or one institution in each MSI category, we instead chose to oversample MSIs and included all MSI institutions in the sample. This resulted in a total sample of 222 institutions. 5). Following sample selection, we navigated to the anthropology department website to look at course titles and/or descriptions. If there was publicly available information on all offered and required courses, we filled out those fields. If the institution did not have publicly available information, we noted that.


Carleton College


Archeology, Anthropology, Education, Ethics, Anthropological Archeology, Pedagogical Practice


Carleton College

Student Research Assistantship Program
