Dataset of Customer Review or Influencer Endorsement: which one influences purchase intention more?
Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) is considered a reliable source of information. Customer reviews and influencer reviews can be considered eWOM. They represent customers’ sharing of experience and evaluation of a product or service with other potential shoppers. To understand the influence of customer review and influencer endorsement to intention to purchase an survey using a questionnaire as the instrument was conducted. Using experimental design (2x1), 200 respondents from3 cities in Greater Jakarta were approached. They were divided into two groups, Customer Review Group and Influencer Group. They were asked to self-rate their opinion on customer review, influencer review, trust and purchase intention. The results are important because we identified the different level of influence of customer review and influencer endorsement. A more comprehensive analysis of this data may be obtained from article “Customer Review or Influencer Endorsement: which one influences purchase intention more?” in the Heliyon Journal.
Steps to reproduce
The participants were 200 students at 4universities, one in Jakarta, one in Bogor and two in Tangerang. Survey distribution was conducted by five lecturers from four universities involved in this study. Each lecturer had to have two classes. Each class was assigned to one treatment – Customer Review or Influencer endorsement