Data for: Ethical implications of alternative plant-based beef substitutes in the United States: a general equilibrium modelling study

Published: 27 July 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/dmhhfw2yzt.1


Full analysis of these scenario results are available in Mason-D'Croz et al. (2022) published in The Lancet Planetary Health (2022, 6: e658-69). Data Available for Download: - Supplementary Data summarizing key model results - ReadMe.docx - Explanation of scenario runs - 8 zipped archives containing full scenario results from USAGE-Food, generated used GEMPACK. Please cite both the Mendeley dataset and primary analysis: Mason-D'Croz, Daniel; Barnhill, Anne; Bernstein, Justin; Bogard, Jessica; Dennis, Gabriel; Dixon, Peter; Fanzo, Jessica; Herrero, Mario; McLaren, Becky; Palmer, Jeda; Rieder, Travis; Rimmer, Maureen; Faden, Ruth (2022), “Ethical implications of alternative plant-based beef substitutes in the United States: a general equilibrium modelling study”, The Lancet Planetary Health, 6: e658-69. Mason-D'Croz, Daniel; Barnhill, Anne; Bernstein, Justin; Bogard, Jessica; Dennis, Gabriel; Dixon, Peter; Fanzo, Jessica; Herrero, Mario; McLaren, Becky; Palmer, Jeda; Rieder, Travis; Rimmer, Maureen; Faden, Ruth (2022), “Data for: Ethical implications of alternative plant-based beef substitutes in the United States: a general equilibrium modelling study”, Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/dmhhfw2yzt.1


Steps to reproduce

Results were generated in USAGE-Food, an extension of USAGE, a computable general equilibrium model of the U.S. economy.


Johns Hopkins University Berman Institute of Bioethics, Victoria University, Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation


Agricultural Economics, Computable General Equilibrium Model
