Twitter Dataset: Hashtag #demonetization
This dataset contains tweets collected using the hashtag #demonetization over a period from December 17 to December 27, 2016. The dataset includes a total of 15,844 tweets and includes retweets. It provides a snapshot of public sentiment and discourse surrounding the demonetization policy introduced by the Indian government during that period. The tweets are raw and have been extracted using the Twitter API, making them suitable for sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and other forms of textual analysis to understand public reaction and opinion during the demonetization campaign.
Steps to reproduce
To collect the Twitter (current X) dataset for the hashtag #demonetization, we utilized the Twitter API with R. The data was gathered from December 17 to December 27, 2016. We used the twitteR package to access tweets containing the specified hashtag, while authentication was handled using OAuth credentials. The tweets were collected through the search_tweets function, which returned 15,844 tweets including both original posts and retweets. The data was then converted into a dataframe using the twListToDF function for further analysis. To reproduce this research, one should install the required R packages, set up Twitter API authentication, and follow the outlined steps to collect and convert the data. Note: The process for extracting data from Twitter may differ under current policies compared to previous methods. Ensure to review and adhere to the latest guidelines and procedures for accessing data on Twitter (now known as X).