Data for: EEG, EOG, Likert-Scales and Interview Approaches for Assessing Stressful Hazard-Perception Scenarios

Published: 25 March 2024| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/dmkvdh2pc7.3
Zhepeng Rui,
, Zhanxun Dong,


- ciPLV_anonymous file contains the 4.1 and corresponding adaptation phase 3-seconds EEG set files. - 18_Scenarios_EEG_Data.xlsx contains the anonymous representative electrodes on FPz, Fz, FCz of 18 Scenarios. - 18_Scenarios_EOG_Data.xlsx contains the anonymous fixation ratio, durations, and pupil size of 18 Scenarios. - The 21-point Likert Scale_anonymous.xlsx file contains the subjective rating after the experiment. - The 3-point Likert Scale_anonymous.xlsx file contains the subjective rating data of immediate reflections for each film clip. - The 3_seconds_EEG_low_click_anonymous.xlsx file contains the engagement, concentration, and beta data in the least clicked hazard perception scenarios in the selected 3 seconds. - The 3_seconds_EEG_high_click_anonymous.xlsx file contains the engagement, concentration, and beta data in the most clicked hazard perception scenarios in the selected 3 seconds. - The 3_seconds_EEG_adaptation_anonymous.xlsx file contains the engagement, concentration, and beta data in the adaptation phase based on 4.1 start and end duration in the selected 3 seconds. - The 3_seconds_pupil_size_anonymous.xlsx file contains the pupil size for both the most and least clicked scenarios in the selected 3 seconds. - The 3_seconds_Fixation_ratio_anonymous.xlsx file contains the fixation ratio for both the most and least clicked scenarios in the selected 3 seconds. - The 3_seconds_Fixation_duration_anonymous.xlsx file contains the fixation ratio for both the most and least clicked scenarios in the selected 3 seconds. - 5_1_Engagement_and_63_electrodes.xlsx contains the 63 electrodes of 5.1 Engagement. - Correlation_anonymous.xlsx contains the correlation analysis between the objective and subjective data analysis. - The click_data_anonymous.xlsx file contains the participants’ behavior data when clicking to find the hazard perception scenarios.



Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Autonomous Driving, Electrooculography, Electroencephalography, Pupil, Connectivity Imaging, Autonomous Navigation
