Published: 3 July 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/dmmfg6gfgn.2
Nasim Boustani


This study is a pioneering exploration into the intersection of education, psychology, ‎neurolinguistics, and learning theories, particularly focusing on the enhancement of language ‎acquisition processes. ‎ Our research delves into the intricate relationship between cognitive processes and neuronal ‎activity, specifically how attention and retention are influenced by brainwave oscillations. ‎Recognizing the challenges faced by language learners, we have employed non-invasive brain ‎stimulation techniques—audio-visual entertainment (AVE) and cranio-electro stimulation ‎‎(CES)—alongside multisensory-based instruction. Our aim was to facilitate the language ‎learning process by optimizing these cognitive functions.‎ The significance of our study lies in its potential to revolutionize educational practices and ‎therapeutic interventions within the realms of psychology and neurolinguistics. By ‎demonstrating the efficacy of AVE and CES in modifying attention and retention processes, we ‎provide a novel perspective on learning theories and offer practical applications for enhancing ‎cognitive performance.‎


Steps to reproduce

Data Collection:‎ ‎• Subjects: Participants were taught a set of unfamiliar words in four sessions, with sessions including ‎control, multisensory, CES, and AVE.‎ ‎• Stimuli Selection: The choice of five words was based on Stroop-based studies to meet the stimulus ‎set size limitation.‎ Instruments:‎ ‎• AVE Device: The David Delight Pro device provided photic and auditory stimulations with specific ‎frequency settings ‎ ‎• CES Device: Connected to the Delight Pro device, the CES ear clip stimulus cable delivered a pulsed ‎electrical current Software:‎ ‎• SPSS and psytoolkit Reproducibility:‎ ‎• Detailed protocols and settings for the AVE and CES devices are provided, which would allow for ‎replication of the entrainment sessions.‎


Attention, Sense, English Vocabulary, Retention, Cognitive Control
