FEM simulation results
Published: 30 December 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/dn4pxx6b3m.2
Cristian TufisiDescription
The dataset contains the relative frequency shift values for the first eight weak-axis bending vibration modes obtained by simulation using Ansys, for a cantilever beam with the following dimensions: length 1000 mm, width 50 mm, and thickness 5 mm. The elements are hexahedral and have a 1 mm maximum edge size. The beam is fixed at the left end.
Steps to reproduce
The data can be used in conjunction with the training data 10.17632/db94d5ccr6.2 and the ANN model 10.17632/yx82k4vdvg.2
Universitatea Babes-Bolyai
Artificial Neural Networks, Finite Element Methods, Modal Analysis