Ewens & Hutchison data

Published: 25 November 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/dnknchv278.1
Paul Hutchison


This is the data (in an SPSS file) for a study reported by Ewens & Hutchison. It was predicted that having multiple group memberships would moderate the impact off ostracism on psychological needs and mood. In particular, it was expected that the widely-reported negative impact of ostracism on psychological need satisfaction and mood would be attenuated at high (relative to low) levels of multiple group memberships. Regression analyses confirmed that multiple group memberships did not moderate the impact of ostracism on belonging, control, meaningful existence or mood but did moderate its effect on self-esteem, although not in the predicted way: ostracism reduced self-esteem at moderate and high but not low levels of multiple group memberships. The results are interpreted with reference to theory and research on the potential of group memberships to act as both a 'social cure' and a 'social curse' (e.g. Jetten et al., 2017).


Steps to reproduce

Responses to the individual items (multiple group memberships, belonging, self-esteem, control, meaningful existence, and mood) were averaged to form six scales (after reverse scoring this items indicated as "R"). One way ANOVA was used to investigate the mean scores for each scale across the two experimental conditions (Exclusionary status: inclusion vs, ostracism). Regression was used to test the prediction that multiple group memberships moderates the impact of ostracism/inclusion on needs (belonging, self-esteem, control, meaningful existence) and mood. The multiple group memberships scores were centred prior to the regression analyses. The regression analyses were conducted using the PROCESS macro for SPSS (Model 1: Hayes, 2018).


London Metropolitan University


Social Psychology
