A Law to Letting the Animals in the Work for the Peoples’ Advantages
Nowadays there is needed. some many animals to do different some works. however, could not do the work successfully in the most countries, having used these required animals. the cause that the more countries prohibit to use the several types of animals for work, having showed a reason that they torture the animals. the law prohibited the lots of animals to use in the circus at the much countries, to use the various categories of animals in the many sports and games. there is prohibition by the governments of more countries. there is prohibition to let the animals in the some required activities and copious governments prohibit to involve animals in the jobs. the important reasons to these all troubles are non knowledge concerning required resources to prove that can use the animals in the any job for peoples’ goodness because the department of science and law had not known that the peoples can make the animals do suitable activities for their works. the main purpose of the study is to bring the new law in the each country. being a great law lets the animals to use in suitable activities and works.
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Recently the most countries prohibit the many kinds of animal to use in the works hereby the companies of circus and these are companies conduct the sports and games using the animals. Those are overthrown and could not use the some animals for peoples’ protection. The some companies could not make the animals do the work. Having known these troubles of the community I undertook this study. The idea about this study which I got in 2017 although started to undertake in 2018. Needed to notify that listened the news in the medias. Saw the cinemas, read the some books and articles of online.