Dataset: Coherent Fourier scatterometry reveals nerve fiber crossings in the brain
Coherent Fourier scatterometry with non-focused, normally incident light on brain tissue samples: The measurements were performed with a collimated laser beam (with a wavelength of 633 nm and a diameter between 0.1-1 mm). The light was transmitted through histological brain sections of 30-60 um (coronal vervet brain sections and 2-3 crossing sections of human optic tracts). The scattered light behind the sample was collected by a microscope objective and the distribution of the scattered light (Fourier transform of the image plane) was recorded by a camera. The measurements were performed for different samples (Vervet/OpticTracts, brain sections s0007-493), different beam diameters (100 um or 1120 um), different numerical apertures (NA = 0.14, 0.4, 0.8), different exposure times (10 - 600 ms), and different brain regions (cc = corpus callosum, cg = cingulum, cr = corona radiata, f = fornix; different x/y-coordinates). The data set contains the Scattering Patterns (distribution of scattered light, projected onto a hemisphere behind the sample), Azimuthal Integrals (scattering pattern integrated along the azimuthal angle, plotted against the distance from the center), and the Polar Integrals (scattering pattern integrated from the center to the outer border, plotted against the azimuthal angle [0°,360°]) for all measured tissue regions.