Data for: Larval zebrafish model for studying the effects of valproic acid on neurodevelopment: an approach towards modelling autism
Table S-1: Effect of different concentration of VPA on zebrafish embryos/larvae at various time point Figure S-2: Effect of different concentrations of VPA on zebrafish embryos at 24-hpf in comparison to control. Figure S-3: Schematic representation for protocols of behavioural assays. PowerPoint Presentation S-4: Principle of Behavioral Tests (see power point animation uploaded separately) Table S-5: Primers used in gene expression study Figure S-6: Systematic representation of social interaction test protocol Excel S-7: Behavior Raw Data (see excel sheet uploaded separately) Figure S-8: OFT Explanatory Data: A) The pattern of zebrafish larvae throughout 30 minutes interval; B) The comparative data of 30 minutes and 5 minutes Video S-9: Open Field Test video representation (see video uploaded separately). Figure S-10: Inattentive behavior: Graphical representation of response to aversive stimulus in control and VPA treated larvae in 30 minutes duration of acclimatization and aversive stimulus. Video S-11: Inattentive behavior test video representation (see video uploaded separately). Video S-12: Circling Behavior Test video representation (see video uploaded separately). Table S-13: Gene Homology: Homology of autism related proteins and DNA in human, zebrafish and rodents ( Excel S-14: Gene Scoring in Relevance to Autism (see excel sheet uploaded separately). Word S-15: Selection of molecular markers: Video S-16: Social Interaction Test video representation (see video uploaded separately).