Video of the dynamic network of the EU-funded LIFE-ENV programme (2007-2017) and its priority area Environment and Resource Efficiency
This video evidences the dynamic network of the EU-funded LIFE-ENV programme (2007-2017). The analysis of the entire set of LIFE-ENV projects is referred to the priority area Environment and Resource Efficiency, composed by 1006 initiatives financed from 2007 to 2017 and graphically represented as bipartite networks that consist of two disjointed sets of nodes where ties connect nodes of both sets. Nodes of set 1 are organisations benefitting from the LIFE-ENV financing, while nodes of set two are projects, and ties among the two sets symbolise the participation of organisations in LIFE-ENV projects as coordinating and associate beneficiaries. In the eleven years considered, the EU has revised the structure of the LIFE programme, which was organised in three components from 2007 to 2013, and two sub-programmes from 2014 to 2020. The data elaborated in this study refer explicitly to projects characterised by the strand “environment” and financed via the LIFE programme in 2007-2013 and 2014-2020. In the dynamic network, the green nodes are projects while the white ones are organisations.
Steps to reproduce
You have to use the open-source software GEPHY The dataset is included here: [DOI: 10.17632/p9yxnh3yyd.2]. Here you can find a tutorial explaining to you how to make dynamic networks through GEPHY In the dynamic network represented in the video, the green nodes are projects while the white ones are organizations.