Data in support of "Fracture Mechanical Properties of Damaged and Hydrothermally Altered Rocks, Dixie Valley - Stillwater Fault Zone, Nevada, USA" by Owen A. Callahan, Peter Eichhubl, Jon E. Olson, and Nicholas C. Davatzes

Published: 26 August 2019| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/dpphj7z94g.2
Owen Callahan


Data in support of "Fracture Mechanical Properties of Damaged and Hydrothermally Altered Rocks, Dixie Valley - Stillwater Fault Zone, Nevada, USA" by Owen A. Callahan, Peter Eichhubl, Jon E. Olson, and Nicholas C. Davatzes, submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth. Supporting information includes: detailed description of X-ray diffraction methods and patterns; UCS test plug geometries, load curves, stress-strain conditions used to derive UCS and static elastic parameters; double-torsion specimen orientations, geometries, properties, and peak loads used to derive KIC, and load curves; and specimen orientations, geometries, properties, plateau loads, KIC*, and derived SCI from double-torsion load-relaxation tests with load curves. Filtering criteria, where applied, are discussed in the tables.



University of Texas at Austin, University of Texas at Austin Bureau of Economic Geology


Fault Zone, Fracture Mechanics, Rock Mechanics, Geothermal System, Fault, Hydrothermal Mineralization
