Translation and Cross cultural adaptation of ADL questionnaire for hemiplegic shoulder pain
Hemiplegic shoulder is a prevalent complication in stroke patients. It generally affects the overall quality of life and independence in daily activities. Activities of daily living (ADL) questionnaire is a screening tool that helps to examine the functional independence of patients with hemiplegic shoulder. questionnaire is available in english language, but no Hindi version is yet available for population who only communicate and understand Hindi language. It is necessary that it should be precisely evaluated and understand Hindi language. The study aims to translate and evaluate translated domain of ADL questionnaire to see its cross-cultural adaptation, content validity and reliability for patients with hemiplegic shoulder after stroke. The study translates an ADL questionnaire for hemiplegic shoulder from English to Hindi by two translators, one with a medical background (T1) and one without (T2). After conducting a Delphi survey to validate its content, A study was conducted on 31 stroke survivors who had experienced (hemiplegic shoulder) to evaluate how dependable the Hindi version of the ALD questionnaire is. The Hindi version of the ADL questionnaire exhibited S-CVI/Ave and S-CVI/UA values of 0.97 and 0.80, respectively, with each item scoring an I-CVI exceeding 0.90. Furthermore, the ICC and internal consistency were assessed at 0.960 and 0.961, respectively. The ADL questionnaire in Hindi is a reliable and validated scale tailored for application in those experiencing hemiplegic shoulder following a stroke.