Pacific spiny dogfish intestine amino acid transport

Published: 1 October 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/drrf4bxg6w.1
Alyssa Weinrauch


Datasets are presented for Weinrauch, Blewett, Anderson (In Prep.). See the 'metadata' text file for descriptions of individual .csv files and descriptions of column headings within. Experiments were conducted on male Pacific spiny dogfish (Squalus suckleyi) with approval from the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre Animal Care Committee (protocol RS-21-03-R1) and collection permits from Fisheries and Oceans Canada (XR 264 2023) in Bamfield, BC, Canada in summer 2023. This dataset supported a study that examined the mechanisms of nutrient acquisition in the spiral valve intestine. To characterize the mechanisms of transport kinetic transport assays were fist conducted. To identify putative carriers of amino acids, additional fluxes were conducted in reduced sodium conditions (to deduce whether transport is sodium dependent) or alongside 100X the concentration of other amino acids known to utilise shared transport pathways in mammals. The interplay between amino acids and oleic acid was next assessed with the application of oleic acid to either the mucosal or serosal solutions. Finally, transport rates following feeding were measured. Together, this study provides new data on the mechanisms of dietary nutrient uptake and transport dynamics within an evolutionarily- and ecologically- important elasmobranch.


Steps to reproduce

A detailed description of the methods appears in a manuscript that will be submitted for peer review. Code used to analyse the data will be made available from the contributing author upon request.


University of Manitoba, University of Alberta


Transport, Nutrient Absorption, Cartilaginous Fish, Comparative Physiology


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
