Effects of Advertising Exposure Duration and Frequency Depend on Ad Typicality

Published: 21 May 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/dry79fnv2z.2
, Michel Wedel


The dataset was collected in an experiment to test whether atypical ads have a higher identification threshold than typical ads, and whether these thresholds determine the effectiveness of repeated exposures. The results show that controlling for the total exposure time, typical ads do well with more frequent but shorter exposures, whereas atypical ads benefit most from less frequent but longer exposures.


Steps to reproduce

See methods description in the paper.


University of Maryland at College Park, Tilburg University CentER, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa Faculdade de Ciencias Economicas e Empresariais, Tilburg University Tilburg School of Economics and Management


Marketing, Advertising, Consumer Research, Bayesian Inference, Behavioral Experiment
