NITIRSOIL: a model for site-specific nitrogen management of Mediterranean vegetable crops. The batch mode version and associated database used in the validation

Published: 3 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ds2n9xwkh9.1
, Carlos Ramos,


The datasets for running the NITIRSOIL model in the batch mode are arranged in the MS Access® database “nitirsoil_batch.mdb”. This database was used to run the model in the batch mode with input data for the 107 simulations that made up the NITIRSOIL model validation. The database has seven tables to store the model parameters: “parameters_gener”, “parameters_desni”, “annual_crops_growth”, “tree_crops_growth”, “Kvol_ferti”, “Manure”, “Fertilizer”; other seven tables to store the model input data: “input_table_main”, “Batch_crop_irrigat”, “batch_crops_N”, “water_nitrate”, “soil_gen”, “soil_parameters”, “climate_year_month”, and two tables to store the output data: “output_table_Wbal” and “output_table_Nbal”. An additional “output_N_balance query” was included in the database to summarize the data of each simulation with the main terms of the nitrogen balance for the crop duration in a way that can be easily copied and pasted in the table “Validation_NITIRSOIL_batch.xls” to ease comparison of simulated and observed data for the validation. In the table “Validation_nitirsoil_batch.xls” the observed data used in the NITIRSOIL validation were included. The data from 107 experimental treatments of 35 experimental fields and 11 vegetables crops (artichoke, onion, potato, carrot, spinach, leek, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, red cabbage, lettuce, romanesco broccoli) were organized in this table to allow the comparison with the simulated model output. All the experiments for the model validation were carried out in several locations of the Valencian Community (Spain). The batch version of the model “NITIRSOIL_BATCH” was also included to perform all the simulations of the validation.



Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias


Decision Support System, Soil Modeling, Nitrogen Cycle, Nitrogen Transformations in Soil
