Combining Optical and Radar Satellite Imagery to Investigate the Surface Properties and Evolution of the Lordsburg Playa, New Mexico, USA
This data repository includes data and codes for the application of linear spectral unmixing and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technique for the optical and radar satellite remote sensing imagery products in the Lordsburg Playa, New Mexico, USA. Linear spectral unmixing was applied on optical images from Landsat and Sentinel-2, and InSAR technique on SAR images from Sentinel-1. The "Google_Earth_Engine_Javascript" dataset is the Google Earth Engine Javascript codes used for the linear spectral unmixing using Landsat images (Landsat 5 and 8) and Sentinel-2. The "Spectral_Signature_of_Endmembers" is the dataset of spectral signatures of the endmembers (soil, vegetation, and water). The "Synthetic_Aperture_Radar_Images" is the list of the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images used for the Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technique.