BARRIER code: Calculation of fission barriers

Published: 1 January 1999| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/dtwpybx6d9.1
F. Garcia, O. Rodriguez, J. Mesa, J.D.T. Arruda-Neto, V.P. Likhachev, E. Garrote, R. Capote, F. Guzmán


Abstract Average values of various nuclear properties are only explained on average by the liquid drop model ( where the average might be taken over particle number or, alternatively, over deformation). To reproduce other aspects of nuclear structure, such as ground state spins and energy spectra, it was found elsewhere that a different description is necessary. In this regard, we calculated single particle energies as function of the deformation parameters of an axially deformed Woods-Saxon potential... Title of program: BARRIER Catalogue Id: ADKF_v1_0 Nature of problem Average values of various nuclear properties are only explained on the average by liquid drop model (where the average might be taken over particle number or, alternatively, over deformation). To reproduce other aspects of nuclear structure, such as ground state spins and energy spectra, it was found elsewhere that a different description was necessary. In this regard, we calculated single particle energies as functions of the deformation parameters of an axially deformed Woods Saxon potential, ... Versions of this program held in the CPC repository in Mendeley Data ADKF_v1_0; BARRIER; 10.1016/S0010-4655(99)00199-X This program has been imported from the CPC Program Library held at Queen's University Belfast (1969-2018)



Nuclear Physics, Computational Physics
