Analysis code and raw data for 'Automatic Etch Pit Density Analysis in Multicrystalline Silicon'
Published: 10 July 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/dv43z9x72t.1
Martin FleckDescription
"" contains the analysis code. See the README.txt for more information. "secco_etched_mc_Si_wafer_image.png" - Optical microscope image, depicting a 2.5cm*1.2cm Secco etched multicrystalline Silicon wafer. Dark spots are etch pits, typically associated with dislocation lines that intersect with the wafer surface. Dark lines are grain boundaries. The leftmost 20% of the wafer have been in contact with the sample carrier during defect etching, explaining the uneven etch result.
Steps to reproduce
See README.txt contained in
Surface Etching, Dislocation Structure, Multicrystalline Silicon Cell