Target and Non-target Discovery Screening of Poly-and Per-Fluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) in Environmental Biota-Samples
There are workflow and databases for non-target screening PFASs in complex environmental biota- samples using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography and quadrupole- orbitrap high-resolution mass spectrometer with software of Compound Discoverer. User can download these databases and import them into Mass Lists, Spectral Libraries and Compound Classes in Lists & Library of Compound Discoverer software, respectively, and then use the workflow to make non-target screening for PFASs.
Steps to reproduce
User can download these databases and import them into Mass Lists, Spectral Libraries and Compound Classes in Lists & Library of Compound Discoverer software, respectively, and then use the workflow to make non-target scree for PFASs. Some parameters in the workflow may need to be modified according different LC operation condition (such as RT limit.)